Social Issues

Is it compulsory to boycott companies who support the Zionist state of Israel?

Question: Is boycotting of products made by companies who support the Zionist state obligatory? – What is the

What is our duty towards the oppression of the Shia and occupied Palestine, which takes priority?

Question: In this time when countries with majority Shi’a populations are being attacked, what is our duty towards

What are the rules of Surrogacy in Islam?

Question: Salam Sheikh, What is the ruling regarding artificial insemination, and can I be a surrogate mother for

My friend took off her hijab – how should I deal with the situation?

Question: My friend has recently taken her scarf off. What is the best approach for dealing with this?

Can I shake hands with the opposite gender if I have a pure, work-related intention?

Question: Sheikh, I need your advice on the following issue. Please tell me whether I am deluded, or is this mode of thinking justified: I live in Australia, and I have recently begun full-time work and I have unfortunately (and willingly) succumbed to shaking hands with female staff – solely restricting it to a ‘professional’ gesture.

Can Muslims celebrate non-Islamic holidays like the New Year and Christmas?

Question: I’d like to hear about the intention behind an action according to Islam. If I for instance, wish others a happy new year, why am I considered a bad Muslim if my intention is to be humble and respect other people’s culture and days of celebrations?  How is the Islamic code of good ethics

Is duty of wearing hijab stated in Quran?

Question: Regarding the hijab (Muslim woman’s headscarf), some people argue that it’s not Islamic, but rather a Jewish thing, and that

How do I convince my teenage friend not to wear makeup in public?

Question: Sheikh, my teenage cousin has been trying to convince her friend not to wear makeup in public.

Should I support Al-Quds Day?

Question: Should I support the Al-Quds Day event and participate in the rallies? Some Shia brothers and sisters I know don’t attend it because they take a sectarian look. They view Palestinians as Sunnis before being Muslims. While other Shias I know say that their participation in the rallies will not change anything anyway. What is the correct

Negative consequences of watching pornography?

Question: I have come to know that people from our own community cannot get rid of their bad habits and sins. I have heard about sins and how to get rid of them by learning what their consequences are both in this world and the next. Could you please tell me what are the consequences of