
Is it true that we don’t like Khaled ibn Waleed because he killed Iranians?

Question: Is it true that we don’t like Khaled ibn Waleed because he killed Iranians? And is it true

Did Imam Ali (a.s.) really put two men on fire because they claimed he was God?

Question: There is a story that says that Imam Ali (a.s) put two men on fire because they said he was God.

Who were the 1st believers in the Prophet Muhammad (s), and what was their work for Islam?

Question: Who were the first believers in  the Prophet Muhammad (s), and what was their work for Islam? Answer: The first

How can you say that the children of Adam and Eve married between themselves?

Question: I am shocked and have  real difficulty with your answer on this (Marriage between children of Adam &

How was Eve created? Was she really created from the rib of Adam?

Question: How was Eve created? Was she really taken from the rib of Adam (as)? And also for

What is the Shia view of the companions of the Prophet, especially the first 3 Caliphs?

Question: What is the Shia view on the Sahaba (companions) of the Prophet (s), and specifically, the first three

Is there any proof that the Jews said that Uzair (Ezra) was son of God, as the Quran says?

Question: The Quran states that: Jews said the Uzair (Ezra) was Ibn Allah (son of God). Is there any

Was Islam ‘spread by the sword and violence’?

Question: There is this famous saying amongst the people of the West, that “Islam was spread by the sword

Why did the Prophet of Islam marry several wives?

Question: I have read that Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, had a total of 12 wives, out of

Who will hold a higher status, the companions of Imam Husayn or Imam Mahdi?

Question: Who would hold a higher status: the 72 companions of Imam Husayn (a.s), or the 313 soldiers of