How important is knowledge in the Holy Quran?


Can you please list the references to Ayat in the Holy Quran which highlight the status and importance of gaining knowledge in Islam?


The Holy Quran & Knowledge (40 Points):


1. Necessity of learning. (“E’lamoo” 27 times)
2. Repeated blame on forsakers of knowledge. (e.g.6:50, 2:219, 7:176)
3. Emphasis on education. (e.g. 9:122 )
4. Knowledge, the goal of creation. (65:12)
5. Education, the goal of all the prophets’ missions. (2:151)
6. Reflection, the goal of the descending of the Quran. (e.g.38:29)
7. Insight, the goal of the Prophet’s ascension. (e.g.17:1)
8. ‘Read’, the first word of Allah in Islam. (96:1-5)
9. Knowledge is light & brightness. (13:16)
10. ‘The Learned’ only know the secret of the universe. (e.g. 30:22)
11. ‘Allah’, the first teacher. (2:31)
12. Knowledge, human’s privilege. (2:33)
13. The more you know the closer to God. (58:11)
14. ‘Prophets’ were seeking more knowledge. (e.g.20:114)
15. ‘Knowledge’ is man’s salvation key. (e.g.34:46)
16. Knowledge is a pride. (27:15-16)
17. Knowledge, the main condition of leadership. (eg.12:55)
18. Knowledge, the spring of faith. (e.g.34:6)
19. Knowledge, the spring of piety. (e.g.35:28)
20. Knowledge, the spring of Zohd (type of self-control). (28:80)
21. Knowledge, the spring of technological achievement. (28:78)
22. Knowledge is might. (27:40)
23. Knowledge is the spring of purification. (e.g.2:129)
24. Knowledge is the spring of patience. (e.g.18:68)
25. Knowledge, an abundant benefit. (2:269)

26. The hellish are the ignorant. (7:179)
27. Ignorance is the source of declination. (8:22)
28. Ignorance is blindness. (13:19)
29. Living with ignorance is the lowest level of life. (22:5)
30. Ignorance is the source of blasphemy (Kofr). (e.g.7:138)
31. Ignorance is the main reason of failure. (8:65)
32. Ignorance is the source of publicizing corruption. (e.g.27:55)
33. Ignorance is the source of prejudice & stubbornness. (48:26)
34. Ignorance is the source of seeking excuses. (e.g.2:118)
35. Ignorance is the main reason of blindly mimicking.(21:52-54)
36. Ignorance is the main reason for disunity and conflicts. (59:14)
37. Ignorance is the main reason for pessimism. (3:154)
38. Ignorance is the source of rudeness. (49:4)
39. Ignorance is the main reason for social disasters & regret. (49:6)
40. Ignorance changes true evaluation. (2:216)

Answered by: Sheikh Mansour Leghaei

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