Irfan (Islamic Mysticism)

How do us youth in the West prepare for Imam Mahdi’s arrival?

Question: What do you think is the most important thing for us youth living in the West to

By being motivated by the reward of paradise, are believers in fact polytheists in their worship?

Question: According to the gnostics and mystics, it seems like most people are mushrikeen (polytheists) to some extent, even the

What is the Nafsul Lawwamah?

Question: When it is said that Nafsul Lawwamah is the ‘complaining’ Nafs, what exactly does this mean? Does

If we do a good deed, do we deserve blessings in return from God?

Question: In Practical Irfan, in the station of Observance (Ri’aayah), the 3rd stage of this station is Ri’aayatul

Is it true that if someone abstains from sins, they are given special powers and abilities?

Question: I have been approached by numberous guys who claim that some scholars such as Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah