Irfan (Islamic Mysticism)

Best way to measure that we are truly increasing in spirituality and not going backwards?

Question: What is the best way to measure that we are actually truly increasing in spirituality and not

Should I do Salatul Layl (night prayers) even though I have lapsed prayers to make up?

Question: I have many Wajib (obligatory) prayers to make up for,  would I be wasting my time if I start doing

What is best way to know which spiritual diseases I have?

Question: What is the best way to identify which spiritual diseases we have? How do we know for

What is the purpose of dreams, and how much should we base our lives on them?

Question: What is the purpose of dreams? How much and how should we base our lives on a

Lady Fatima: ‘the best thing for a woman is not to see men, and not to be seen by men’. How?

Question: Fatima al Zahra[a.s]  said ‘the best thing for a woman is not to see men, and not

What is the goal of our creation as human beings?

Question: What is the goal of our creation as human beings? Answer: There are stages for the purpose

What is the purpose behind the creation of human beings?

Question: My question is just for information, and not due to any doubt (Allah forbid): What is the reason

What is the best proof for the existence of God?

Question: What is the best proof for the existence of God? Answer: Religious Scholars of different fields have suggested various proofs for the existence of God. However, the bottom line is this: to regard an argument as ‘strong or not’, really depends on the way we perceive it, and how we relate to it. Thus, different

What should one do when he knows his heart has become corrupt and dead?

Question: What should one do when he knows his heart has become corrupt and dead? What should one

Are humans sinful by nature, like in Christianity?

Question: Christianity teaches that mankind is sinful by nature, and so they need the crucifixion as a way