Is it prohibited to consume human chorionic gonadotrophin when it is derived from urine?


Is it prohibited to consume human chorionic gonadotrophin when it is derived from urine?


The first thing to note is that human chorionic gondatrophin (hCG) can also be made synthetically in a laboratory and this does not involved urine at all. The brand of hCG made like this is called Ovedril.

That point aside, hCG is a hormone usually secreted in the female body especially when she is pregnant. It is excreted in pregnant women’s urine.

The same hormone can be used to treat certain causes of infertility in women and also some testicular problems in young boys. When used as a drug it can be extracted from human urine or a recombinant synthetic made in the laboratory can be used.

Whether the form extracted from urine can be used depends on whether istihala occurs. Istihala is a process whereby something changes from its original form to become something essentially different (e.g. if najis wood turns to ash the ash is not najis). If istihala occurs and the drug being injected into the patient is different in essence to urine and cannot be called ‘urine’ anymore, then it is okay to use. Otherwise, it is not okay to use if it can still be called ‘urine’ according to custom.