
What constitutes rape in Islam, what is the punishment and how is it proven?

Question: What is the punishment for rape? How is it proven? Is DNA/CCTV sufficient enough? How about rape

Is it permissible to receive a disability pension?

Question: My Husband has health problems like Rheumatism, back discopathie and Bowel disorder. We live in a country

What is the criteria for someone to be guided by Allah (swt)?

Question: I have very excellent Muslim friends and there’s this one friend who wasn’t really religious but somehow

Who will go to heaven in Islam?

Question: Who will go to heaven according to Islam, and who will be sent to hell? Answer: A

Is there any mention of Imams in the Holy Quran?

Question: Is there any mention of the concept of “Imamah” (Divine Leadership) in the Holy Qur’an? Answer: The

A sister wants to convert to Islam, how does she do it and are witnesses required?

Question: A sister wants to convert to the beautiful religion of Islam, how does she say the shahada

How old was Ali ibn Abu Talib when he embraced Islam?

Question: How old was Ali ibn Abu Talib when he embraced Islam? Answer: Imam Ali (as) embraced Islam

Can I look at the face of a Prophet in a movie?

Question: Is it permissible to watch a movie about a Prophet that shows the actor playing a Prophet

Can a Muslim marry a polytheist (one who does not believe in God)?

Question: What is the rule for a Muslim man who wants to marry a Hindu or atheist? Answer:

Why do the prayers of the Prophets in the Qurán start with “Rabbana”

Question: Why do the prayers of the Prophets in the Holy Qurán start with “Rabbana” ربنا ? For example