
Can a Muslim marry a polytheist (one who does not believe in God)?

Question: What is the rule for a Muslim man who wants to marry a Hindu or atheist? Answer:

The meaning of Ayah 7:179: “Surely We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell”?

Question: One of the Ayat discussing people who have focused on materialistic aspects of life is “Surely We

According to Sunnis, we believe Allah is not fair in His judgement? Please clarify.

Question: According to Sunnis, we believe Allah is not fair in His judgement? Please clarify. Answer: All Muslims

Isn’t it wrong to believe that Imam Mahdi sees and knows everything we do?

Question: I am a revert, and I am afraid of committing shirk (associating partners with Allah). I want to know,

I have read & heard that Allah has human features, like face, hands, feet, is this correct?

Question: As a young kid in primary school I was asked to draw ‘God’, but I believed that it

If a sinful person said the declaration of faith, will he surely go to Heaven after being purified?

Question: If a person has said the Shahada (the declaration of faith), then no matter how many sins

How can I prove Islam to a deist (who believes in a Creator that is uninvolved in our lives)?

Question: How can I prove Islam to someone who is a deist, who only believes in a creator

Is it fair that God punishes sinners for eternity in the next world for their sins?

Question: Allah has set up punishment 1000 times worse than the  torments in this world, that will last for eternity and not for

God’s justice & knowledge, free will, & whether God creates us for either hell or heaven?

Question: This issue about free will always arises and feels like it contradicts with God being all-knowing and

If someone converts to Islam freely, why do they thank God for an action they did themselves?

Question: A brother questioned me today as to why we say “Thank God I’m Muslim”. Does it imply that