Hadith (Holy Narrations)

Lady Fatima: ‘the best thing for a woman is not to see men, and not to be seen by men’. How?

Question: Fatima al Zahra[a.s]  said ‘the best thing for a woman is not to see men, and not

Why were the hadiths of the Holy Prophet (s) prohibited and banned from being said?

Question: I have read in another Q&A on this site that ‘the Ahadith of Prohibition’ (narrations that prohibit

How did the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (s) get prohibited and banned?

Question: How did the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (s) get prohibited? What happened after the demise of

Can you please provide examples of Hadith Prohibition from famous Sunni books?

Question: I would like some examples of Hadith prohibition according to famous Sunni references. Answer: Some Examples of

Why place the hand on the head when Imam Mahdi’s name is heard or said?

Question: I want to enquire as to the reason behind standing, placing the hand, and bending slightly whenever